2024 EQ Summit Lectures

The 14th annual Emotional Intelligence Summit

Sunday's lectures

Saturday's lectures

Friday's lectures

Thursday's lectures

Schedule & Topics

Thursday, March 14, 2024

EQ Summit registration
The Purpose of Life—How to Get Motivation and Fulfillment that Lasts – Kris Lenart, PhD
  • Understand the history and 3 dimensions of logotherapy.
  • Learn to manage your emotions.
  • Explore the defiance of the Spirit: Victim v. designer. 
  • Explain how to take responsibility for your life.
  • Know the purpose of life: motivation and fulfillment.  
  • Understand how to get motivation that lasts.
Dark Psychology: Are You Being Manipulated? – Daniel Binus, MD
  • Define dark psychology.
  • Learn to manage your emotions.
  • Summarize the most common types of psychological manipulation tactics.
  • Identify common ways that manipulation tactics are used in interpersonal relationships, by cults and by digital media.
  • Describe the “BITE Model” of Authoritarian Control.
  • Discuss practical steps to break free from manipulation and exploitation.
Transforming Brain Energy – Neil Nedley, MD
  • Distinguish the diagnostic differences between neurological and psychiatric diseases.
  • Explain the critical role of the brain’s internal energy production in preserving and enhancing brain health.
  • Select some nutrition and lifestyle factors that can enhance or diminish brain energy production.
4:00 - 5:00pm
Emotional Intelligence & Identity, Part 1 – K'dee Crews, PhD
  • Define what identity is and learn how it is formed.
  • Utilizing an ecological systems model, identify the factors that have contributed to a recent pandemic of identity confusion.
  • Understand how trauma contributes to identity confusion.
  • Understand the relationship between emotional intelligence and identity.
5:15 - 6:15pm
6:45 - 8:00pm
Unlocking Emotional Intelligence: The Sleep-Emotion Connection – David Shin, MA, DMin
  • Participant will understand how sleep affects the amygdala - the part of the brain that regulates emotions. 
  • Participant will understand how sleep affects the ability to recognize emotion in others. 
  • Participant will understand how sleep provides emotional therapy and processing of painful memories. ­
  • Participant will write out evening and morning routine. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

7:15 - 8:15am
8:30 - 9:30am
Optimizing the Gut Microbiota with Diet – Pekka Määttänen, PhD, BSc
  • Recognize the difficulty in defining a “healthy” and “unhealthy” microbiota and the importance of context and location.
  • Appreciate significant gaps in understanding of the gut microbiota and its variability.
    Understand the influence of dietary components on metabolites produced by microbes.
  • List microbial metabolites with evidence-based effects on physical and mental health. 
  • Identify dietary strategies to optimize metabolic outputs of microbes. 
9:30 - 10:30am
Dementia: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment – Neil Nedley, MD
  • Classify the four most common causes of memory loss today and how they have changed overtime.
  • Learn how diagnosing dementia early can halt its progression.
    Understand the influence of dietary components on metabolites produced by microbes.
  • Explain the risk factors for the development of all the four causes of dementia and how to avoid these risk factors.
  • Manage and improve dementia through specific proven therapies.
10:30 - 10:45am
10:45 - 11:45pm
How Does Blood Sugar Impact Mood, Anxiety & Relationships? – Daniel Binus, MD
  • Explain the physiological impact of fluctuating glucose levels on the brain’s structure and function.
  • Describe the general impact of blood glucose levels on mental health.
  • Explain the common connection between refined carbohydrate foods and emotional problems.
  • Discuss the impact of blood glucose on interpersonal relationships.
  • Critically analyze the risks and benefits of the “Standard American”, “Keto”, “Paleo” and “Plant-based” diets in their impact on blood glucose and mental health.
  • Identify the optimal dietary approach to improving glucose regulation.
11:45 - 12:45pm
Building Resilience in Children – Gleny Cherian, MA, AMFT, APCC
  • Understanding the Faith-Informed Approach to True Education: Explore the principles of true education and learn how they can be applied to counseling and mental health support for children.
  • Learn to Harness Neuroplasticity into Child Counseling: Discuss the importance of emotional intelligence in child counseling and discover how curated materials can serve as valuable resources for incorporating cognitive-behavioral therapy, holistic health, lifestyle, and biblical perspectives.
  • Overcoming Challenges in Counseling Children from Broken Families: Address the unique challenges of working with children raised in broken families, and gain insights into practical strategies for helping these children build resilience and cope with depression, anxiety, and other emotional challenges.
  • Stories of Transformation: Share compelling stories of transformation from educators and mental health professionals who have effectively applied emotional intelligence materials to support children's mental well-being. Highlight specific cases where flexible thinking, recognition of cognitive distortions, and other techniques led to significant improvements.
  • Empowering Healthcare and Mental Health Professionals: Encourage healthcare and mental health professionals to explore and utilize emotional intelligence materials as valuable tools in their practices, promoting holistic well-being and faith-informed approaches in working with children.
12:45 - 2:00pm
2:00 - 3:00pm
Exercise Your Brain: Transformation Interventions for a Variety of Mental Illnesses – Joshua Fleming, MD
  • Describe the beneficial effects of exercise on brain chemistry.
  • Describe evidence-based exercise interventions for depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and psychotic disorders.
  • Integrate the FITT principle when developing exercise prescriptions.
  • Create evidence-based exercise prescriptions for various mental illnesses.
  • Evaluate a patient's current stage of change.
  • Utilize effective techniques to help patients reach their goals.
3:15 - 4:15pm
Breakout Session Options:
  • Why Logotherapy is Very Effictive - Kris Lenart, PhD
    • Explore the 3 main categories of your values.
    • Learn the importance of work, recovery and attitudes.
    • Understand self-value in the light of logotherapy. 
    • Learn to accept your life and yourself.
    • Contrast self - distance and self-transcendence (love).
    • Learn how to change from inner focus to externally focused.
  • Emotional Intelligence & Identity, Part 2 - K'dee Crews, PhD
    • Define how a healthy identity is formed.
    • Understand how to utilize the Bible to establish true identity.
    • Address the pandemic of identity confusion by discussing practical ways to establish a true identity for oneself and for others in various environments– family, church, work, and society.
  • Optimizing the Gut Microbiota with Lifestyle - Pekka Määttänen, PhD, BSc
    • Describe the influence exerted by specific lifestyle habits on the gut microbiota.
    • Identify specific lifestyle strategies to support a healthy gut microbiota.
    • Appreciate the synergy between lifestyle and diet to optimize gut microbiota.
4:30 - 5:30pm
Breakout Session Options:
  • How to Successfully Stop (or not) Psychiatric Medications - Neil Nedley, MD
    • List the common psychiatric medications that are difficult, and often seen as impossible to stop.
    • Identify brain and cognitive factors and influences that are necessary for successful medication withdrawal.
    • Distinguish which medications should be changed to begin weaning.
    • Contrast the medications that can be weaned rapidly v those that must be weaned slowly.
    • Cite the nutrition and lifestyle principles that greatly assist with successful medication withdrawal.
  • 5 Seconds to Motivation - Amanda Anguish, MS, LMFT
    • Define motivation.
    • Explore various myths concerning motivation.
    • Learn positive ways to motivate yourself and others to achieve worthy goals.
  • The Role of Free Will in Mind Transformation - Don Mackintosh, MDiv, BSN
    • Review what science is saying about free will.
    • See evidence for role of the will in lifestyle change.
    • Consider proven strategies for increasing the strength of the will.
    • Hear testimonies of those whose strength of self-control has been increased through various lifestyle interventions.
5:30 - 6:15pm
7:00 - 8:15pm
Meditations & Self-Regulation: Exploring the Biblical Path to Inner Peace &  Emotional Wellness – David Shin, MA, DMin
  • Participant will understand the definition of Biblical Meditation.
  • Participant will understand the difference between Biblical meditation and Eastern/mystical meditation practices. 
  • Participant will understand how Biblical meditation short circuits temptation conception in the mind and brings peace and emotional wellness.
  • Participant will write out a passage and to through a practice of Biblical meditation in seminar. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

7:15 - 8:15am
8:30 - 9:30am
Unlocking Suffering & Healing: A Biblical Case Study on Trauma Recovery – Gleny Cherian, MA, AMFT, APCC
  • Restoring Hope: Understand that individuals trapped in cycles of addiction, abusive behaviors, and trauma can find hope and healing, drawing inspiration from the story of Mary Magdalene and recognizing our roles as facilitators in the recovery process.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Raise awareness among healthcare professionals about the critical link between mental and physical health. Explore how addressing trauma and mental health can contribute to holistic well-being and inform health-care practices.
  • Understanding the Impact of Positive Male Role Models: Explore the impact of positive male role models in the healing and development of individuals affected by trauma and addiction, recognizing the significance of their presence and support in fostering resilience and recovery.
  • Effective Healing Methods: Examine evidence-based techniques and interventions that align with Christ's healing methods. Discover how to apply them in healthcare and mental health practices to support trauma survivors.
  • Facilitating Transformation through Neuroplasticity: Reinforce the message that hope and transformation are attainable for trauma survivors today, mirroring Mary Magdalene's journey, and inspire professionals to be catalysts for change in the lives of those they serve.
9:30 - 10:30am
How the Authority of the Scriptures Enhances EQ in Leadership – Jean-Noel Adeline, MDiv
  • Define truth; absolute or relative?
  • Explain the relevancy, authority, sufficiency, and purpose of the Scriptures in enhancing emotional intelligence.
  • Understand four unreliable authorities in Christian leadership and the dangers of relying on them instead of relying on the truths of Scriptures.
10:30 - 10:45am
11:00 - 11:30pm
Music and Emotional Intelligence
11:30 - 12:45pm
Balancing Nutrition & EQ: Nourishing Your Mind & Body – David Shin, MA, DMin
  • Participant will understand the difference between Biblical view of human nature and the Greek (body/soul dichotomy)
  • Participant will understand the connection between diet and mind - gut is "2nd brain".
  • Participant will understand the connection between diet and mental health. 
  • Participant will write out an action plan for healthier dietary practices. 
1:00 - 2:00pm
2:30 - 3:30pm
Outdoor Walk
3:30 - 4:30pm
Case Reports in Spiritual Frontal Lobe Enhancements in Healing the Mind – Neil Nedley, MD
  • Give examples of lives transformed through nutrition, lifestyle, cognitive and spiritual therapies.
  • Identify the combination of factors that open the way for true transformation.
  • Explain the critical role of spiritual transformation in obtaining comprehensive self-control that opens the way for a transformed mind.
4:30 - 5:30pm
The Power of Forgiveness – Kris Lenart, PhD
  • Understand the 10 practical steps to overcome hate. 
  • Learn what keeps individuals in an unforgiving state.
  • Explore the process of forgiveness.
  • Learn how the heart heals. 
  • Understand the power of freedom in the heart and mind.  
  • Learn what happens cognitively as you forgive.
5:30 - 6:30pm
7:00 - 8:15pm
Moving from a Victim to a Victor Mindset – Don Mackintosh, MDiv, BSN
  • See the prevalence of having a victim mindset.
  • Consider the impact of having such a mindset on one’s mental health.
  • Consider the impact of considering a problem as being beyond one’s control (externalizing problems)
  • Look at typical things that cause a person to be stuck in the victim mindset.
  • Consider options for assisting people in moving from a victim to a victor mindset.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

7:15 - 8:00am
8:30 - 9:30am
Titanic and Change – Amanda Anguish - MFT
  • Explore the importance of positive change for physical/mental health.
  • Understand the stages of change.
  • Know how to successfully navigate through the stages of change.
  • Learn additional benefits of change.
9:30 - 10:30am
How to have Energy & Good Memory at 100 Years Old – John Schaffenburg, MD
  • Understand the various causes of dementia.
  • Explore the causes of dementia that are treatable and reversible.
  • Learn how to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Know the personal plan to avoiding age related cognitive decline in the speaker.
10:30 - 10:45am
10:45 - 11:45am
Artificial Intelligence & EQ: Friends or Foes? – Daniel Binus, MD
  • Define Artificial Intelligence.
  • Summarize data related to utilizing Artificial Intelligence to provide mental health services.
  • Describe the potential impact of utilizing Artificial Intelligence on mental health.
  • Identify unhealthy methods of interfacing with Artificial Intelligence.
  • Explain how Artificial Intelligence could benefit mental health when used properly.
  • Predict the role that Artificial Intelligence may play in shaping the future of mental health in our world.
11:45am - 12:45pm
Panel Discussion

Pre-session Training

Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program certification
(must be registered)
8am-5pm on Wednesday and 8am-11am on Thursday

Nedley Health certification educates and equips you to bring the holistic community based Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program™ to your community. Each community program needs a Nedley Health certified associate director and at least one Nedley Health certified facilitator.

Associate directors are responsible for planning the overall program, leading facilitators and program volunteers, and efficiently organizing and executing a community based Nedley Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program™ using the resources and guidelines provided. The associate director will provide a program that will help many in their church and community to overcome depression.

Facilitators lead the organized small group discussions, motivating the depressed individual to establish and maintain a strong physical exercise program, eliminate negative habits of body and mind, develop healthy eating patterns, and get more out of the day by enhancing brain function.

EQ Summit Begins: Thursday, March 16, 2023

EQ Summit registration
Natural Remedies and Emotional Intelligence – Neil Nedley, MD

Learning Objectives:

  • Define emotional intelligence and emotional health
  • List 8 evidence based natural remedies that have demonstrated improvements in emotional health
  • Explore the evidence-based data of combined approaches and expected outcomes in treating and potentially eradicating multiple forms of depression and anxiety
  • Give examples of challenging mental health cases and the intervention of natural remedies in treating mental illnesses
Electromagnetic Fields and Mental Illness – Daniel Binus, MD

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe how  long-term low-dose EMF exposure can lead to neurobehavioral disorders.    
  • Critically analyze the data supporting  the adverse impacts of EMF exposure on mental wellbeing.
Finances and Mental Health - Amanda Anguish MFT

Learning Objectives:

  • Predict mental health outcomes associated with financial behaviors in the patient/client.
  • Give examples of irrational beliefs leading to financial problems.  
  • Offer patient/client alternative beliefs to encourage a healthy financial perspective.
4:00 - 5:00pm
Exercise, Mitochondria and Mental Health - Ron Celestine

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the function of the mitochondria and its relationship to energy and other conditions such as mental health.
  • Explain proposed mechanism of action associated with the mitochondria and exercise.
  • Identify symptoms of mitochondrial defects as it relates to exercise and mental health.
  • List activities to boost mitochondrial health.
  • Prepare a program that will help reduce the effects of mitochondrial dysfunction on mental health.
5:15 - 6:15pm
6:45 - 8:00pm
Healthy Sleep and Emotional Health - Melissa Garcia, Ph.D

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the mechanism of the different neurotransmitters involved in healthy sleep.
  • Differentiate between the two types of sleep drives and examine their significance for emotional, physical, and cognitive well-being.
  • Contrast the different sleep disorders and describe how these disorders affect emotional and physical health
  • Describe the role of slow-wave and REM sleep in emotional health
  •  Identify complementary and alternative methods for improving quality of sleep.

Friday, March 17, 2023

7:15 - 8:15am
8:30 - 9:30am
Sunlight, Night, Fresh air and Emotional Health - Neil Nedley, MD

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the benefits of naturebased interventions
  • List the positive effects ofgardening
  • Explain the positive effects offorest bathing
  • Identify specific essential oilsfrom plants that have shown benefits in treating depression and anxiety
  • Describe the benefits of cycles of light and darkness on physical and mental health
9:30 - 10:30am
Building Emotional Intelligence in Children and Adolescents- Carmen Kasperbauer

Learning Objectives:

  • Know the increasing emotional challenges of children and adolescents              
  • Understand how an overall brain health and emotional intelligence curriculum can be used in public schools grade1-12           
  • Explore the interest that current children and teachers have in a brain health and emotional intelligence course                
  • Learn what can be expected outcomes in an overall education in brain health and healthy thinking in children and adolescents
10:30 - 10:45am
10:45 - 11:45pm
Hydration, Hydrotherapy and Emotional Health - Adam Bussey, MD

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore evidence-based research on various sources and types of water and health.
  • Explain evidence-based research on water hydration and physical and mental health.
  • Understand what ideal hydration and how much water intake is necessary daily.
  • Discuss external applications of water and its treatment of certain mental illnesses.
11:45 - 12:45pm
Long-COVID-19 and the role of fasting - Roger Seheult, MD

Learning Objectives:

  • Recite why fasting has more effects on the body than just losing weight
  • Explain how fasting affects the damage seen in long COVID-19
  • Review why this type of activity may be effective for far more than just COVID-19
12:45 - 2:00pm
2:00 - 3:00pm
The Power of Making Amends - Amanda Anguish MFT

Learning Objectives:

  • Distinguish between outcomes of those patients/clients who make amends vs those who do not after perpetration.
  • Make appropriate amend-making and improve potential for a clear conscience.
  • Illustrate appropriate amend-making to client/patient.,
3:15 - 4:15pm
Breakout Session Options:
  • PsychedelicInterventions for Mental Health Problems- Daniel Binus, MD
    • Identify the most common diets implemented by most Americans
    • ExplainWhy Dietary Myths are Believed
    • Assess the gluten free diet, paleodiet, ketogenic diet, the American Heart Association diet, the Glucose Control Diet, the Diverticulosis Diet and more
    • Explore the ideal diet and does it differ per individual

  • Social Anxiety and the “Empath” - Amanda Anguish MFT
    • Assess for social anxiety.
    • Predict patient/client behaviors such as identifying as an “empath.”
    • Interpret symptoms to the patient/client such as past trauma leading to social anxiety.
  • Long COVID-19 and The Role of Daylighting and Sleep - Roger Seheult, MD
    • Cite the reasons why light exposure and sleep has a tremendous effect on the body with relation to long COVID.
    • Explain the effect of both sleeping and daylight on Melatonin - the most powerful antioxidant.
    • Recall more clearly the overall health benefits of sleep and sun exposure to the human body.
4:30 - 5:30pm
Breakout Session Options:
  • Hormones, Menopause and Emotional Intelligence - Lystra Celestine, M.D.
    • Describe the role of estrogen progesterone and testosterone in the female’s body
    • Apply evidence-based therapies to the management of hormone imbalance symptoms in women
    • Review the role of hormoneimbalance in mental health disorder in women
  •  Unhealthy Sleep and Mental Illness - Melissa Garcia, Ph.D
    • Describe the relationship of sleep to mental health/illness
    • Explain the importance of addressing sleep problems within the framework of depression and anxiety diagnosis.
    • Examine the correlational role of dreams with depression and anxiety
    • Explain how depression and anxiety disorders can alter each stage and the overall pattern of sleep.
  • Educating Emotional Intelligence in 6–18-year old's - Carmen Kasperbauer

    1.   Learn how brain anatomy and physiology can be taught to 6-18 year-old’s       
    2.  Understand how healthy brain principles can be taught and applied to 6–18-year-olds
    3.  Explore how 6–18-year-old’s can learn the connections between thoughts and feelings
    4.  Know how 6–18-year-old ’scan learn how to reframe their thoughts to be more accurate and helpful
5:30 - 6:15pm
7:00 - 8:15pm
Finding Satisfaction - Don Mackintosh, MDiv, BSN

Where science & Scripture converge

  • Describe the scientific definition of satisfaction
  • Explore the ways to increase and maintain satisfaction
  • Understand Religion / Spirituality - estimate the impact of satisfaction levels
  • Give biblical and modern examples of those who havediscovered true satisfaction

Saturday, March 18, 2023

7:15 - 8:15am
8:30 - 9:30am
Dealing With Rejection - Don Mackintosh, MDiv, BSN

Learning Objectives:

  • Define the connection between rejection and depression /anxiety
  • Describe the types of rejection that are the most impactful clinically speaking
  • List the proven ways to deal with rejection
  • Provide biblical examples of those who have effectively dealt with rejection
9:30 - 10:30am
Hope:  A Crucial Virtue - Phil Mills, MD

Learning Objectives:

  • Enable participants to recognize interactions that strengthen hope
  • Summarize the role hope has been found to play in both physical and mental health
  • Evaluate the roll of hope in influencing the outcome in familiar Christian stories
  • Describe common ways individuals gain and lose hope
  • Discuss the difference between healthy and unhealthy hope
10:30 - 10:45am
11:00 - 11:30pm
Music and Emotional Intelligence
11:30 - 12:45pm
The Bible and Natural Remedies - Neil Nedley, MD
  • Identify natural remedies used in the Bible
  • Cite a miracle of Christ that used natural remedies
  • Explore the biblical purpose of utilizingnatural remedies in miraculous healings
  • Explain natural remedies recommended by Ellen White
  • Understand the reliance of medical missionary work in modern times in miraculous healings
1:00 - 2:00pm
2:30 - 3:30pm
Outdoor Walk
3:30 - 4:30pm
Case Reports in Spiritual Frontal Lobe Enhancements in Healing the Mind - Neil Nedley, MD

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn from patient testimonies that were suffering from severe depression and/or anxiety
  • Understand the difference that a comprehensive therapeutic approach to depression and anxiety can bring in greatly reducing or eliminating anxiety symptoms.
  • Know the difference a directed biblical text can do in helping individuals overcome depression and/or anxiety
4:30 - 5:30pm
Changing Your Mind - Doug Batchelor, PhD (HC)

Learning Objectives:

  • Review the thought-mind connection
  • Explore biblical case reports of minds that were changed
  • Give examples of modern cases of changed minds for the better
  • Apply spiritual tools to help others or yourself change your mind in a positive way
5:30 - 6:30pm
7:00 - 8:15pm
Social Intelligence: How to build relationships and manage them effectively - Jesson Martin, Ph.D.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize how social interactions drive our emotions 
  • Understand how human behavior is driven by social concerns
  • Learn about social awareness and social relationship management
  • Discuss methods to use social intelligence to succeed in relationships, in the workplace environment and in ministry

Sunday, March 19, 2023

7:15 - 8:00am
8:00 - 8:50am
How to Handle Abuse and Manipulation - Amanda Anguish - MFT

Learning Objectives:

  • Assess for various types of abuse.
  • Demonstrate competence in understanding manipulation.
  • Report abuse and advocate for victims.
8:55 - 9:50am
Dietary Myths that are Believed By Many as Facts - Neil Nedley, MD

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the most common diets implemented by most Americans
  • Explain why dietary myths are believed
  • Assess the gluten-free diet, paleo diet, ketogenic diet, the American Heart Association diet, the glucose control diet, the diverticulosis diet and more
  • Explore the ideal diet and does it differ per individual
Just Breathe! How Air Influences Mental Wellbeing – Daniel Binus, MD

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the negative  impact of shallow breathing and poor posture on mental wellbeing    
  • Examine the role that correct deep breathing plays in optimizing mental health    
  • Explain the basic physiology and importance of nasal versus mouth breathing    
  • Discuss how correct breathing can help with weight loss and reduce physical injury and fatigue during exercise    
  • Utilize breathing interventions for mental disorders
Excess mortality and the science of Thankfulness - Roger Seheult, MD

Learning Objectives:

  • Recite why thankfulness and the activities associated with it are health promoters
  • Explain why forgiveness and thankfulness are linked and their effect on anger, depression, and health
  • Enact real world activities that will help you focus yourattention on thankfulness and forgiveness.  
Panel Discussion